Sunday 6 September 2015

Vocations: Religious

Vocations: Religious

There are millions of people in the world and millions who have gone before us. And yet, it is strange and wonderful thing that, excepting for rare cases of identical twins, no one looks exactly like another, has exactly the same personality or has exactly the same likes and dislikes. Only a divine creator could have fashioned a world of such distinct individuals.
Each of these distinct individual has a specific in life for God calls everyone to a definite vocation, whether it be in religious, married or single state. And it is vitally important that every individual recognize and follow his God given vocation for therein lies happiness and holiness.
The highest vocation is that of a priest, brother or nun. Such a vocation is the greatest of gifts for Christ Himself gives this special calling: “You have not chosen me, I have chosen You.”(Jn. 15:16) A religious vocation is that of a life spent with God. When God invites someone for to this life, He says, “Come, follow me.” (Mk.1:17) God does not send His invitation in Person, with a tap on one’s shoulder. Rather, the call comes softly, quietly though insistently. It is made known, simply, in a sincere desire to live a life dedicated to the service of God.
No sincere catholic needs to be told about the tremendous worth of God’s priests, nuns, and brothers, or of the great debt we, and the world, owe to these apostles, and handmaids of God.

Thrice blessed are they who receive the gift of a vocation, for God sends His special blessings to them, to their family and to all those who may have helped them in realizing and following their vocation.     

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