Sunday 6 September 2015

Encounter with the loving God leads to conversion

Encounter with the loving God leads to conversion

It is our common human experience that after encountering a loving, gentle and understanding person, we come to realize what it means to be loving and compassionate persons ourselves and how much we fall short in this regard. Encountering a loving person reveals to us who we are and awakens our own inner goodness to be better persons. Such good experiences also stimulate us to be better and transformed person. It is just like realizing the value of light after going through agonizing experience of darkness; say in a dark tunnel or in a crowded train without lights.  In the process of conversion, first comes the encounter with the unconditionally loving God, and transformation of the sinful self is the result of this loving encounter. Unfortunately we do not seem to be promotion this procedure in our spiritualities. Our focus is: mend your ways, drop your sins and then experience the good God. Actually it should be: encounter the loving God, experience him as best you as can and as deeply as possible. Be sure and certain, you will be a transformed person. All sinners are in need of repentance and of being forgiven, this becomes possible because God loves us unconditionally. Repentance, basically is becoming aware of our self-destructive choices and actions, and realizing how they destroy others, the cosmos and our own selves. This grace filled, God filled awareness helps us to abandon our old destructive ways and put ourselves on the path of self transformation.

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