Tuesday 29 September 2015

Lesson plan

Lesson plan
Rahul Rodrigues
Subject: History
Topic: Mahajanapadas
Class: VI
Duration: 30 min

Teaching aids: Flash cards, chart, board, map of India

·        Knowledge:  Students get the knowledge about the historical states.
·        Understanding: to make students how the states were divided.
·        Application: Students apply the knowledge to day today life. 
·        Skills:  students identify where these states were located.

Q: How many states do we have in India?         29
Q: can any of you tell why our country is divided in different states. So it’s for the better administration, so too in ancient time in 6 B.C our country was also divided into different states and thus they were called as Janapadas and Mahajanapadas. But today we don’t call them by same name or either recognize by the same.

Statement of Aim: So students today we are going to learn the lesson                                                      Mahajanapadas.

 Mahājanapada literally means “great realm", from maha, "great",
  Janapada means foothold of a tribe", "country"

Ø Q: can you please tell me some of the king’s name? (Chandragupta Maurya, Akbar, Ashoka, Shivaji ,Kanishka, Prithviraj, Chauhan, Ranjit Singh, Samudragupta, Chandragupta , Maharana  Pratap

Ø So were they all ruling together?
No, rather they were ruling individually and this is called as Monarchies system. So in simple words Monarchies system is as “one king or one ruler.” Hence we are going to focus our attention on four important mahajanapadas states. They are kosala, Vatsa, Avanti, Magadha.          
Ø Q; if you have a meeting in your school who all take part in it or who participates in it?
Ans: it is principle, teachers, take every decision on his own, then can you please name me some groups in your school?
So too there was a comity or group in every state called as Gana parishad consisting of senior citizen. As we know that the principle has the supreme authority in our school. Accordingly Gana parishad had the supreme authority. They would do some minor work on the vote of majority.
Ø Q: If all want to elect your class capton or monitor, how do you elect?       On the basis of the vote of majority. So too in Gana parishad the decision were taken on the vote of majority.

1.     Kosala:
Ø Q: Now can anyone tell me the neighboring states of Maharashtra? MP, Gujarat, Goa etc.
In the same way Kosala is situates at the foothills of the Himalayas in the region of Nepal and utter Pradesh.
Ø Q: which the capital of Maharashtra?     Mumbai, so too its capital is Saket.  
Ø Q: Can u please tell me your favorite city names from India?     Accordingly Kosala also had its favorite cities known as Shravasti and Kushavati.  
Ø Q: In the previous chapter or lesson, I hope you have learned about Gautama so now can you please describe me who was Gautama?  
Ø  So too the king Prasenjit also lived during the time of Gautama thus for this reason the king Prasenjit was called as the contemporary of Gautama Buddha.
Ø Q; Can you tell me what it mean by contemporary--- lived at the same era or same time) Moreover though the king Prasenjit was so courageous and able general  during the war between Kosala and Magadha, Kosala got merged into Magadha.
Ø Q: Do you know the country that has been constantly fighting with our country? And for what are they fighting? (Pakistan for Kashmir ) Hence there was also a war between Kosala and Magadha. Later kosala got merged in to Magadha  

2.     Vatsa: so the second state is Vatsa
Ø Q Can someone tell me where is Allahabad situated in this map. So the Kushambi near the present day Allahabad was the capital of Vatsa.
Ø Q:  can you tell some qualities of a king?
 Hence the king Udayana was very brave king about whom we learn from Buddhist literature and from the plays of the Sanskrit playwright Bhasa.
Ø Q: we know that every place hassomething of its special so what is the special thing of Nashik that we hardly find it anywhere else? Grapes
Accordingly the cotton textile of Vatsa was very famous.
After the king Udayana the state of Vatsa could not retain its independence.

3.      Avanti: one of the important kings of Avanti was Pradyot. Ujjayani in the present day in M.P was the capital of Avanti. This city was well-known tread center. Later, merge into state of Magadha

Recap: I’ll ask students question regarding the lesson


Sub:   History

Topic:  Mahajanapadas

#contemporary   -  same time
# Ancient time in 6 B.C
# Janapadas and
Maha :great
 #Janapada  means foothold of a tribe
# Gana parishad                                               supreme authority,
executive council
# Monarchies system
---- One king or one ruler

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