Sunday 6 September 2015

Call to conversion is universal

Call to conversion is universal

All are in need of conversion. Conversion is equally directed to Jews and Gentiles (Act 20:21; 2:38, 3:26) Because both the Jews and Greeks are under the power of sin”(Rom3:9) “ all have sinned, all fall short of the glory of God ” (Rom 3:23) On the other hand no one is rotten to the core. Every person is capable of responding to God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. There is no hopeless soul, for every soul is God’s implanted hope. That is why Jesus befriends tax collectors, sinners and the marginalized the sinners, the lost. God has become incarnate to seek all of us in our loss. God’s love is so great that his forgiveness is unbelievable. It defiles all human calculations. God wants to reclaim every prodigal son and rejoice with him at his return. Can we, like the prodigal son, make a return to the Father?

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