Tuesday, 29 September 2015

What is my purpose in life?

What is my purpose in life?

            What is my purpose in life? Is my life meaningful? Such questions surely arise in each of us especially in moments of crisis. I attempted to answer this question. Firstly, realizing that this question itself becomes meaningful for me because I certainly love myself and then declaring my “yes”, as my answer. Yes, I consider my life meaningful, more specifically that I am considered ‘meaningful’, at least for those people who right now, in some corner of this world, have a deep concern for me. I know certainly that there is a person who is living her/his life for me because either he/he loves me or as an inspiration for her/him. I know that there is a person who cares for me, prays for me, thinks of me and whose happiness is in someway, depends on my happiness. There is also every possibility of that, that particular person is even ready to give hers/his own life for me.

            This conviction gives me meaning for my life, a purpose for my life, when I start discerning about giving an end to my life. It’s only this commitment; to live for that person, to give justice to that person’s care for me and to never allow a tear of sorrow to appear in its eye, especially because of my foolishness, pumps a new boost in me, to carry on in my life. Remembering that ‘when the going gets tough, tough gets going’, I decide to live my life in a way which is in accordance to my human nature. I too live as a loving, caring, charitable and moreover discovering true happiness in each moment of my life, especially this moment, “THE NOW”.

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