Sunday, 12 July 2015

Why did you doubt?

Why did you doubt?

After the multiplication of bread and fish and feeding the five thousand people, Jesus asked his disciples to go on the boat. He certainly had a clear purpose in his mind. He wanted to further strengthen the faith of the disciples in him being the son of God. As peter started walking on the water towards Jesus he began to sing the moment a doubt entered his mind. Throughout the gospel, Jesus keeps emphasizing us, the importance and usefulness of having faith, “if you have faith like size of mustard seed….. Or “Go your faith has saved you” or “Do you believe that I can do this for you”, all point towards the power of faith.
         The words of Jesus to Peter  “why did you doubt”, are the words that Jesus could be addressing to so many, if not all of us, at various times especially what we are passing through difficult moments and when we cannot find immediate solutions to our problem. We  begin to doubt, both in the power of prayer and the mighty hand of God. Even in those moments, if we could just keep our ears and moments, if would be hearing Jesus telling us, ‘why did you doubt?
It is indeed unfortunate that many of us spend so much time warring and being anxious about things over which we have no control. Jesus has made things so easy for s by repeatedly letting us about the importance of faith but by constantly demonstrating what faith can actually achieve. Jesus as stretched out his hand to rescue peter even though peter had doubted. His hand is always stretched out for us. He even did the same for doubting Thomas, he will rescue us in spite of our doubt or unfaithfulness that is Gods nature (Bhagvan key ghar may dher hotti hay lekin andhera nahi hotta). This is why St. Paul in his letter to the Romans writes,” what can separate us from the love of Christ? As Jesus gave opportunities y\to his disciples to strengthen their faith can him. He continues to do that with us every day. So let us not miss out on those beautiful moments as we pray in silence for a while and say, LORD INCEASE OUR FAITH IN YOU.


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